Public Finicing For Higher Education Report

From Fiscal Year:
To Fiscal Year:

Table 8.1: Budget amounts allocation for higher education

Table 8.2: Year Wise allocation of the government budget and funding for HE

Table 8.3: Higher Education Budget as percentage of national and Education budget

Charts / Figures

Table 12.4.1 Year-wise allocation of the government budget and funding for HE (unit in million Rs)

Table 12.4.2 Year-wise higher education budget as percentage of GDP, national and education budget (%)

Table 12.4.3 Year-wise budget allocation to universities and their share (%)

Table 12.4.4 Year - wise universities budget as percentage of GDP, national and education budget (%)

Table 12.4.5 University-wise yearly public financing per enrolled student (Rs)

Table 12.4.6 University-wise yearly public financing per graduate student (Rs)

Table 12.4.8 Regular and development budget allocation for universities